Petition to CAMRA NE

Petition to National Executive CAMRA

Please Note this petition is only open to CAMRA members.
We the undersigned have noted that the Regional Review Group have not, in our opinion, adequately consulted with members of CAMRA or not considered the feedback before enacting the review. This is particularly in respect of forcing through the "No exceptions" rule on the closure and/or splitting of any branch that crosses one of the new regional boundaries. We, therefore, require the National Executive to pause the implementation of the Regions Review group report, especially in regard to the closure or splitting of branches crossing regional borders. The Regions review group only to continue following a thorough independent review of the findings, communications and governance of the group. An agreement that any branch identified as crossing a new regional boundary will be able to undertake a vote themselves on whether they continue as a single branch, reporting to a Single Regional director of their choice, or take a course of action decided by the branch that suits their situation best. The National Executive to respect the decision of the branch.

First Name
CAMRA Membership Number

Number Signed so Far 635

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Site promoted by Brendan Sothcott (ex Chair Herts & Essex Borders Branch).
